"You don't get paid to be perfect, you get paid to solve problems."
Today we celebrate an important day. It's teacher’s day - a day where we show our gratitude towards the people that guide and teach us. 👨🏫
To me, being a teacher is not a job, it's a mission to help and support people to get better. Sometimes also just to listen and connect to other people. It's rather being patient, open-minded, and practicing empathy instead of telling what is right or wrong. Creating a path where others feel safe and comfortable. 😊
Therefore, today I not only want to address the group that earns money with "teaching" or work in a school but rather addressing EVERYONE that has been part of my life.
In my opinion, we all are students and teachers at the same time. I am so grateful for everyone that interacted with me, regardless of whether online or offline, in class, in a coffee shop, at work, or simply at a meet-up. 🙏
To be honest, when I was younger, I struggled to find my way. Today I can admit something really important to me. I am proud of my journey until now. Looking back, I think life brought me quite far. (I know that there is still so much more in front of me - this is just the beginning) And I am aware that all the learnings would not be as valuable without YOU. ✨
Me living my life the way I want is thanks to each and every one of you. All the little advice, lessons, care, love, and learning accumulated to my current state - A state of happiness and fulfillment. ❤️
Today I also want to take my time to address my gratitude to my best friends in Germany, my amazing girlfriend, my brother, and my mentors for always supporting me and not judging me. It can be challenging and lonely on the other side of the world, but your advice, thoughtfulness, and love inspire me to keep going. 🥰
Another big thank you goes to anh Phong, who is not only a teacher to me but to so many more people in Vietnam and in the world. If someone can improve the education - then it’s definitely you. You bring hope to everyone. Massive thank you! 😊
And of course my team and the community. Believe me or not. Regardless of whether a student or a team member. You and your actions teach me a lot of every day. 🥰
YOU ALL are my teachers, guiding me through challenges and milestones. Saying thank you is not enough. I wish you could be me for a day, only to realize how highly I think of you.
You guys are amazing. Happy teacher’s day.
“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.” - Isabel Allende