Tet Holiday

"If you get tired learn to rest, not to quit."

Another Tet-holiday in Ho Chi Minh City and I finally was able to take time for myself. Even though all my friends and family members tried to convince me to travel or visit the family, I just felt like having time for myself and taking things slowly.

Do you know this moment, when you tell yourself: “When I have holiday, I will finally do all the things that I wanted.”?

In my mind, I also had great ideas for my Tet holiday. Being productive and work on my other projects beside Deutsch Campus. I planned to record more social media content for my coaching business, wanted to get up early to go for a run and finally get my shit together, because I did not have to think about my business.

It turned out to be completely different. Instead of waking up at 5AM, go for a jog and work on my other passion project … I slept in, and did nothing. 

At the beginning, I was a bit frustrated because I felt like, I was wasting my precious holiday, where I could finally do all the things, that I wanted to do. But my body was not ready for it. All the fatigue that my body accumulated over the past months, had been draining. My body was literally shutting down.

But during this time, I also learned something important. Thanks to my fiancée, I started to see the beauty in doing small things again – for example doing a 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle in the morning while listening to a Sunday morning café playlist on YouTube.

Thanks to her, I was able to enjoy the present with meaningful conversation and quality time, that I really needed. 

Being able to switch off, was way more helpful at that moment, than rushing through another to do list, camouflaged as a “Holiday”.

Realizing this helped me to enjoy myself more. I was able create more distance between me and my work. It pulled me out of my tunnel vision and allowed me to be more creative. 

Now that the holiday is over, instead of being hard on myself for being “lazy” I am ready to work on all the challenges with a refreshed mind and can’t wait to create something meaningful for others!

Other snap-shots of my life

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