"You don't get paid to be perfect, you get paid to solve problems."
Something magical happened yesterday! On our balcony, we have some plants and usually, another co-founder would take care of them. But since he stays at home now, I was more or less in charge of watering them.
Honestly, I did not do a good job at the beginning. There were some days where I did not water them consistently and as you know - it is super hot in HCMC. That is why some of the dried out, leaving just the branches and dry leaves. 🍂
But lately, I have been watering them almost every day, even the one that obviously was pretty much dead. I used this time to calm down and relax a bit and reconnect to nature … or the little garden haha
But yesterday, I was so surprised. On the plant, that I thought was dead, some jasmine flowers bloomed. They were so pretty. Who would have thought that the "dead" plant would have such a come-back? 🤯
Today, I was thinking about it and realized. I did not water them to recover the dead leaves or the jasmine. My watering helped new leaves to appear and let new jasmine flowers bloom. ✨
The same goes for my life. Sometimes I screw up really bad. I mean really bad. Trying my best every day and serving people as well as possible, won't erase my past mistakes. They will still be there…
I can not change the past, but with my new actions, I might be able to plant some powerful seeds that will bloom in the future, like the jasmine plant.
Supporting my students now in the best way possible and not give up, might not change the fact that I failed to help some students in the past. But it gives me hope that I might be able to have a positive impact on the new ones.
And who knows? Maybe my new students will shine brighter and make the world a better place. 🥰
What a powerful learning … Thank you little jasmine tree on my balcony.
“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.” - Isabel Allende