"Expectations without communication lead to confusion"

Thomas Nguyen

My purpose

... is to help people find their inner values and guide them to achieve more than they thought was possible while supporting them to express their unique personality.


"Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself.
It's what you do for others."

"Thomas gehört zu den inspirierensten Personen, die ich kenne. Ständig an seiner persönlichen Entwicklung interessiert, hilft er damit anderen nicht nur dabei Sprachen zu lernen sondern auch mentale Stärke aufzubauen. 

Er strahlt ein Ruhe aus und ist ein grandioser Zuhörer, was seinen Erfolg absolut ausmacht."

Nam Phung

Life Coach

"Thomas - one of the inspirational people that I always admire because he always conveys positive energy to everyone. He is not only friendly but also very enthusiastic, good listener, always encouraging and helping when people are in trouble. Not only that, Thomas is also a very dedicated teacher, always creating conditions for students to develop, helping them to be more creative and confident."

Đỗ Ngọc Chiêu Kha


Recent events

I am blessed and honored to have had the chance to talk, learn and grow together with global change-makers in various fields.

Since I joined the #unitedpeopleglobal family, I realized even more how important sustainability is. That is why I want to focus on SDG 4 - quality education - in order to make a difference in this world.

Frequently Asked Questions

During the last 6 years, I have been living and working in several countries. I am blessed that I got the chance to meet so many different people along my journey, that not only became my friends but also taught me a lot about life. 

Here are the top 3 questions that I get asked, when I meet new people.

Are you German or Vietnamese?

I was born and raised in Germany, but my parents are Vietnamese. When I was younger, I did not care much about my background and felt "German". But the older I got, the more I struggled to define my own identity.
Travelling helped me a lot to understand many cultures and different mindsets from people around the world. I would listen to their stories and experiences and see what I could learn from them.
It took me several years until I realized that no country defines me. I adapted personality traits that you could call "German", but also "Vietnamese", "Danish", "British", "French" etc..
I am everything. I am me. A puzzle from all people that shaped me.

How come that you are always so positive?

First of all, I am not always positive and happy. I am a normal person that also struggles with many things in life.
But having the right perspective helped me a lot to understand myself better and see each learning in every phase of my life.
Gratitude is a core value of mine that I practice every day. I believe in gratitude so much, that I ask every one around me: "What are you grateful for today?" haha

Why did you decide to move to Vietnam and start a project there?

I got raised by Vietnamese parents. Naturally, I got raised in a "Vietnamese" way. But in order to learn more about my background firsthand, I decided to move to Ho Chi Minh City.
Here, I fell in love with the people. I loved how motivated and hard-working the people were.
But I also felt, that there was a lot of potential in the young generation. With my stories and experience, I wanted to inspire and help Vietnamese to see their own core values. With coaching and teaching, I would share my knowledge, tools and strategies so that they can chase their dreams.

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