Who am I?

🇩🇪 Are you German or Vietnamese? Who are you? - a question I heard again and again. But to be honest, I didn't give it much thought as a child.

However, the older I got, the more I felt like I had to choose a nationality. 

My parents and grandparents in Vietnam were convinced that I was Vietnamese. My German friends saw me as German - after all, my name was Thomas on my ID card.

At the latest with the writing assignment in English class ("Write about your homeland."), I realized that I needed an identity. But it didn't stop there. I had more identities.

At school, I was the boy who didn't drink alcohol.

At home, I was the son who couldn't disagree.

On Sunday, I was the Buddhist who meditated with others.

So who am I? 🤔

To be honest, I have gotten into the habit of acting a certain way or assuming a certain "personality" in front of certain people.

Is that a bad thing?

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking on a certain personality in front of certain people, as long as I determine all the "personality" myself and am authentic.

However, thinking back now, I realize that most of the above personalities did not come from myself, but were determined by others. I was playing a role that others gave me. W

ithout realizing it, I sometimes acted the way others expected me to act. 

Don't get me wrong. This is not the fault of others that I acted this way. Many people have expectations, but I never thought about what I actually wanted for myself. I reacted and adapted to situations rather than setting a direction for myself.

I didn't realize this until my trip to New Zealand, when no one knew me and no one had expectations of me. I could act the way I wanted as long as I took responsibility.

I met many people from different nations and was able to learn a lot from them.

The more new things I tried, the more I realized one thing! I don't have to take a rigid personality.

I am the product of all my experiences and the people I have met. I am a colorful puzzle of different pieces. Parts where I now think they match my personal values.

This realization now helps me to be open to others. I like to listen to opinions from others, but I now decide for myself whether or not to implement this opinion (or puzzle piece) into my life.

Thus, I can continue to grow, learn from others and still be myself and finally answer the question. 

"Are you German or Vietnamese? Who are you?"

- I am Thomas.

Other snap-shots of my life

“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.” - Isabel Allende

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