Me vs Me

"Compare yourself only to who you were yesterday. Be your own competition."

How I Became a Better Version of Myself in 10 Years

Ten years ago, I was a high school student in Germany, living with my Vietnamese parents. I was shy, insecure, and unsure of what I wanted in life. I tried to please everyone and meet the expectations of society, by getting good grades and agreeing with others instead of developing my own voice and opinion. I was lost, not knowing who I was or what I was passionate about. The only thing I new was to smile in any situation. 🙃

But everything changed when I decided to take a gap year and travel to New Zealand after graduating. There, I experienced a new culture, a new environment, and a new freedom. I tried many different things, met many different people, and learned many different lessons. I discovered my interests, my values, and myself. I realized that there was more to life than following the crowd and fitting in.

However, when I returned to Germany, I faced another challenge: reverse culture shock. I felt like a stranger in my own country, unable to relate to my old friends and family. I felt depressed and confused, wondering if I had made a mistake by leaving. I had to make a crucial decision: whether to return to my old self and adapt, or break free and live and learn how to love myself. ❤️

I chose the latter. Six years ago, I decided to move to Vietnam, where my parents were from, and volunteer as an English teacher while studying economics online. In Vietnam, I found another opportunity to live for myself and pursue my dreams. I started working on my passion project: creating a safe space for young people to express themselves and help them discover themselves without being judged. I organized meetups in Ho Chi Minh City where people could share their thoughts and experiences freely. This community is now known as "mydailylearning". ✨

Together with some friends, I also organized weekly German language meetups, to help people learn how to communicate and practice German. Slowly but surely, this language meetup grew into tutoring and finally into the language school that we have now. 

Today, I am content with my life, living my passion and purpose to help others see their values. I am confident, happy, and authentic. I have learned to embrace myself and my differences. I have learned to follow my heart and not be afraid of what others think.

I am not the same person as I was 10 years ago. I am a better version of myself.

But it wasn't easy. Along the way, there were countless challenges and moments when I wanted to give up, because things didn't go as planned. But thanks to my friends and the community, I was not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. Even until today, I have to learn to put my ego aside and accept that I fail from time to time. I get lost mid way on the track and journey towards my mission, like trying to be someone else to impress someone, but thanks to the community, I have been kept accountable and always returned to my true self, someone that just wants to spread love and positivity. 🙏

I am far from perfect, but if I had to answer the question: ""Who inspires you?"". Then I would answer: Myself 10 years ago, because he made the decision to believe in himself, even though he was not even sure himself. The most important thing I learned is that I will continue believing in myself. This won't protect me from making mistakes or getting lost from time to time, but with the wonderful support system that I have now, I am confident that I will find myself again, regardless of how dark the situation will be. I will stick to my values and be me.

And you can be too. 🤗

If you are feeling lost, confused, or unhappy with your life, don't give up hope. There is always a way out. There is always a chance to change. There is always a possibility to grow.

All you need is courage, curiosity, and commitment.

Courage to take risks and step out of your comfort zone.

Curiosity to explore new things and learn new skills.

Commitment to follow your dreams and work hard for them.

You have the power to create your own reality.

You have the potential to become a better version of yourself.

You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world.

You just have to start. - Start being honest to yourself! ❤️

And if you need some help along the way, you can always join our community at "mydailylearning ". We are here to support you, inspire you, and celebrate you.

I am here to listen to you, share with you and help you become the best version of yourself.

Thank you for reading this blog post. If you liked it, please share it with your friends and family.

Other snap-shots of my life

“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.” - Isabel Allende

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